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Succession consulting


A voluntary organization associating entrepreneurs. The area of its operation covers the entire region of Podkarpacie. All entrepreneurs - the founders of Podkarpackie Business Club - manage companies that have achieved significant success on a national and international scale. The Podkarpackie Business Club currently brings together nearly 300 entrepreneurs, mainly from the Podkarpackie Region.

One of the oldest bilateral chambers of commerce in Poland. Since 1992, it has been working for the development of Polish-Ukrainian economic and cultural relations. Experience and knowledge combined with a professional approach to business partners allows to successfully represent companies associated in the Chamber and implement the vision of efficient and effective economic and cultural cooperation.

Influential Polish business organization. Thanks to its activities, companies influence the shape of the law, conduct dialogue with the administration and receive tools to develop their businesses. It represents its members in Poland and the European Union.

It has a permanent representative office in Brussels and is the only organization from Poland that belongs to BusinessEurope - the largest European business organization. It brings together over 4,100 companies employing over a million people.

A voluntary, self-governing organization, independent in its statutory activity from public authorities and political, social and professional organizations. The main objective of the Association is to protect the rights and represent the interests of consulting industry employers associated in it in front of employees' trade unions and public authorities.

The largest independent business organization in Poland. It was established in 1990. It represents the largest number of entrepreneurs, connecting 160 business organizations. It monitors the legislative activity of the Polish Parliament, submits a set of entrepreneurs' demands to the Government, Parliament, the Chancellery of the President and EU bodies. It constantly cooperates with the government and government agencies (PAIH, PARP, KOWR) as part of the implementation of international projects.

The only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organization dealing with fiscal matters. International Fiscal Association is a neutral, independent, non-lobbyist organization, the only global network of its kind. As a non-profit organization, the International Fiscal Association provides a neutral and independent platform where representatives of all professions and interests can come together and discuss international tax issues at the highest level.

The Chamber is the ombudsman for the interests of entrepreneurs and employers. It covers the area of south-eastern Poland. It associates over 180 companies - active members, cooperates directly with about 5,000 companies, reaches nearly 10,000 companies, and its activities in general matters concern all business entities. State and local government authorities at various levels benefit from the support and experience of the Chamber.