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Tax security


Succession consulting

Multiple, complicated and constantly changing legal regulations do not make it easy to carry out business activity. To the contrary, they generate a risk of non-compliance of the business activity with the law. In order to limit the risk, enterprises should introduce the compliance system which would make it possible to arrange the processes in the organization so as to minimize the risk of carrying out the activity unlawfully. It will help to protect the enterprise and its managing persons against the loss of credibility among clients and contractors, but also against financial losses and criminal sanctions.


We offer comprehensive support in the development and implementation of compliance systems, but also is auditing compliance in the selected areas.

Practice leader

Tomasz Bek

partner, attorney-at-law


  • Compliance audits – identification of the risk connected with compliance; indication of the recommended actions in order to eliminate or reduce the possibility of certain irregularities; analysis of the implemented procedures and solutions and their adjustment to the existing legal regulations.
  • Internal procedures – development and modification of mechanisms, procedures and policies, such as codes of conduct, codes of ethics, documentation workflow policy, accepting any gifts, anti-mobbing policy, “know your customer” policy, internal rules of procedure that make it possible to manage the risk of liability of persons in managerial positions.
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counteracting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) – creation and giving opinions on internal procedures for anti-money laundering and counteracting the financing of terrorism.
  • Whistleblowers – creating a procedure for reporting irregularities and protecting the whistleblowers against retaliatory actions; support in the procedure for processing the notification of irregularities; support in counteracting violations.
  • CRBR – support in the process of identification of beneficial owners of the Companies and help in notifying the Central Register of Beneficial Owners.