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AXELO - prawo i podatki



In our law firm, we focus on the practical aspect of legal and tax advice. We cannot imagine comprehensive, modern legal services without taking into account tax aspects.



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The market appreciates our work

Wyróżnienie Kancelaria PRO BONO wg. XXII Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

Wyróżnienie Kancelaria PRO BONO wg. XXII Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

II miejsce w kategorii Największe kancelarie w regionach LUBELSZCZYZNA I PODKARPACIE wg. XXII Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

II miejsce w kategorii Największe kancelarie w regionach LUBELSZCZYZNA I PODKARPACIE wg. XXII Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

I miejsce w kategorii Największe kancelarie w regionach LUBELSZCZYZNA I PODKARPACIE wg. XXI Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

I miejsce w kategorii Największe kancelarie w regionach LUBELSZCZYZNA I PODKARPACIE wg. XXI Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

Wyróżnienie za zaangażowanie w pomoc dla uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce wg. XXI Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

Wyróżnienie za zaangażowanie w pomoc dla uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce wg. XXI Rankingu Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

Poland's Best Law Firms 2023 - distinction in the field of taxation and inheritance law

Poland's Best Law Firms 2023 - distinction in the field of taxation and inheritance law

Position in the Forbes Diamonds ranking - revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million - Podkarpackie region - Diamonds of the Forbes Monthly

Position in the Forbes Diamonds ranking - revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million - Podkarpackie region - Diamonds of the Forbes Monthly

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for commitment in favor of the fighting Ukraine - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for commitment in favor of the fighting Ukraine - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Position in the Forbes Diamonds ranking - revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million - Podkarpackie region - Diamonds of the Forbes Monthly

Position in the Forbes Diamonds ranking - revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million - Podkarpackie region - Diamonds of the Forbes Monthly

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for pro bono support of the health service during the pandemic - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for pro bono support of the health service during the pandemic - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for pro bono support of the Polish entrepreneurs during the pandemic - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for pro bono support of the Polish entrepreneurs during the pandemic - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

3rd place in the category The best website of the law firm - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

3rd place in the category The best website of the law firm - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Meet a unique

team that will

take care of your interests


Our team

Dariusz Domagalski
Attorney-at-law, Managing Partner
our team



Radosław Ostrowski
Advocate, Managing Partner


Our partners