

Wyróżnienie za zaangażowanie w pomoc dla uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce - Ranking Kancelarii Prawnych Rzeczpospolitej

Poland's Best Law Firms 2023 - distinction in the field of taxation and inheritance law

Position in the Forbes Diamonds ranking - revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million - Podkarpackie region - Diamonds of the Forbes Monthly

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Distinction for commitment in favor of the fighting Ukraine - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

1st place in the category of the largest law firms in the regions of LUBELSZCZYZNA AND PODKARPACIE - Ranking of Law Firms of Rzeczpospolita journal

Position in the Forbes Diamonds ranking - revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million - Podkarpackie region - Diamonds of the Forbes Monthly